
Topia Pickleball League

We are excited to announce the first ever FREE Fall Topia/Plex Pickleball League starting in the middle of October!

Dates: Saturday Oct. 12th - Saturday Nov. 16th (6 weeks)


Cost: FREE!! 

Match Times: Saturdays from 12pm-2pm / 2:30pm-4:30pm / 5pm-7pm

  • Times will rotate weekly to ensure that all teams play at all times
  • Teams will have two head to head matches each week in a two hour time slot
  • Times may be traded by the team captains if all agree
  • Missed matches can be made up outside of the designated times indicated if needed and scores will be reported to Judy Glazer.

MLP Format: One line of men's, one line of women's, and one line of mixed doubles



  • Doubles 3.0-3.49 (max 6 teams per division, first come first serve)
  • Doubles 3.5-3.99 (max 6 teams per division, first come first serve)
  • Doubles 4.0+ (max 6 teams per division, first come first serve)



  • Round robin play for the first 5 weeks. Each team will play each other twice during this 5 week period. 
  • Matches will be timed to ensure that we can complete everything in 2 hours. Time will be called at the end of each hour no matter the score.
  • Teams will earn 5 points for each line victory for a maximum of 15 points per match. 
  • Playoffs will be held during Week 6 - the top four teams will make the playoffs and will play the semi-finals and finals.
  • Match Format: Best 2 out of 3 games (subject to change if there is a smaller division with less teams)

Team Composition: Min. number per team: 6 players, Max. number per team: 10 players 

Prize for Winning Team: $500 Tennis Topia Gift Card 


Free shirts for team players. No more than 10 shirts will be provided per team. Team captains must submit shirt sizes by Friday, September 27. 



Team captains, please register through the Google Form and include your team name. Subs must also be listed on the team roster. 


Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to hosting this league at the TennisPlex! 

Montgomery TennisPlex

18010 Central Park Circle

Boyds, MD 20841
